words for 2016

Sunday, 10 January 2016

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with the new year (a belated hello from me too, '16!) come topics that makes me cringe - setting goals, reflecting, resolutions and whatnot.

since more than a few days have passed since, i've still not formulated my personal take on these concepts. but i have gathered, read and assimilated some resources that don't go the usual route of "this year everything will magically change with this list of goals to be checked off".. or something to that effect.


+ any wish or dream for the new year should start off with getting specific

+ new words could help right? this one rolls off the tongue and it rolled into my inbox the other day: unfuckwithable.

+ if i still have to set goals, as cheesy as it sounds, i might as well make them light and fun. an old read, but some things don't have an expiry date. which makes them even better.


these are also great resource sites, written with much insight and passion. still a happy subscriber to all of the blogs / businesses featured.


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