in the midst of home-hunting, researching bank loans is no fun. but looking into houseplants so IS. i want to find out how to take cuttings. so i'm reading the plant like crazy.
found by accident, from a cute little interview from one of the magazine's founders. another great site!
print available here.
also love it when a graphic designer dips into object making. her new line should be available this year and it. is. spot. on.
not usually a big fan of jewelry, but pinterest directed me to the gallery of adorn milk and i can't look away.
forever on my wishlist i guess. i'm okay with that.
my better half is cooking, i'm clicking like crazy and feeling really good about next week, even though it sounds like it's going to be a hectic one (filming & shooting). but our furry companion just discovered catnip and he's hilarious! so, all in all, another great week.